Friday, September 24, 2004



The children have a wonderful game. They spit, not at cars, but at the drivers.

I went to the opera tonight to see Don Quixote. They have a very interesting custom at the theater: at some point during intermission, many of the people promenade in the lobby, in a sort of oval pattern, round and round. I have never seen this before. It is a good way to have a conversation and stretch ones legs before returning to the opera.

There are no chandeleirs in the theater, but a whole bunch in the lobby.

I panicked this evening when I lost my way to the opera. In the end, got there with about 15 minutes to spare.

Tonight, after the opera, I went to a bar and had a couple beers. The waitress called a cab and when it arrived, about a block away because the bar is on a no-car street (forgot the correct name. What do you expect, I have a couple glasses of beer under my belt). When it arrived, she took me outside and showed me the taxi waiting about a block away. I don't feel comfortable on the streets late at night, not in skinhead country.

I met a brother at the bus station when I arrived. I haven't seen another one. People point at me a lot.

(I almost lost all of this, so let me post it and continue later)

Patrick Barry Barr

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