Sunday, August 29, 2004

MOSCOW, 29 August 2004


Radio here in Moscow is alive and well. If you are one of those people who like to take the USA with you wherever you travel, Moscow Radio will help. There are a lot of very good FM stations with all types of music. Take your pick. If you want to cross eight time zones to hear Cher, Moscow is for you.

There's Radio Disco, Radio Jazz, Radio this and Radio that.

I heard an amusing song, which partly went like this:

Rah, rah Rasputin
Russia's greatest love machine

I have always thought that Catherine the Great was Russia's hreatest love machine. She is still my favorite "Russian" woman. If course, she was born in Germany ... and worked her way up to Czarina through her strength and guile.

She took things into her hands! ;-) ;-)

Rah, rah Catherine
etc etc


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