Friday, September 03, 2004


I was in the Komsomolskaya metro station, where I will get my train this Sunday for St. Petersburg. There are hundreds of stores there, so I started looking for a transformer to lower the voltage from 240 Volts to 120 Volts, so that I may charge the batteries for my camera.

Finally, I went to a watch repair shop on the lower level. The white-haired woman was extremely pleasant, which is something quite absent from the Moscow scene. Let me quote you what I am talking about, from the September 2 edition of The Moscow Times:

"Aeroflot, still the country's major international carrier and an important player on long-haul domestic routes, began a bold makeover three years ago.

"Flight attendants were given smiling lessons. ..."

God's truth!

The white-haired lady pointed out where I may go to enquire. But as soon as I arrived, she was at my side. She took me into two stores, but no luck. Then she suggested I visit a big store called Moscowitska, or something of the sort. I found the store and the guard told me that the fourth floor is where I needed to go. Long story short, I bought the adapter.

I was so pleased and apreciative that I returned to the shop to thank her.

I know she shared my joy.


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