Monday, September 20, 2004



Had I not given out my laundry, I would have left Tallinn today for Riga, Latvia. But since I had to get my laundry about 5 PM, I experienced the finest weather since I arrived here. The sky was blue, although the clouds interfered with the light I needed to take some pictures.

I took the No. 3 tramcar to the bus station and bought a ticket for 230 krones. I leave at 10 AM tomorrow for Riga.

Then I walked about interminably.


I went to the art museum. One floor only. Some very interesting art. I took some photos. It felt good to go to a small museum and not be overwhelmed. You could have seen everything in 15 minutes.

While searching for a second museum, I came across a plaque in Russian and Estonian. I figured out that it had to do with Pushkins grandfather, Hannibal. While taking a photo and looking around, as if lost, a woman approached to ask me if she could help. She confirmed that the plaque had to do with the fact that Hannibal was in the Russian army and seemed to have been posted at that location. She mentioned they didnt want to talk about him then, but now seem able to. She suggested I visit a castle today. On Monday, it is not possible to enter, but one can wander the garden and the gardens.


This morning I went to the news stand to buy bus tickets. It is not the first time. She proferred 10 Kroon tickets and I told her they were for 5 kroons. I took out my 5 kroon tickets to show her. She, a little annoyed, fished out the 5 kroon tickets and sold me five, then dismissed me, several times with a wave of her hand. It was more amusing than annoying.


I am now carrying my wallet and passport in the zippered pockets of my jacket. Wallet on the left and passport on the right. Why did it take me what, six years or more to figure this out? Only thing is that it takes a while to fish out my wallet when I need it. Of course, it would give pickpockets that much more time, I guess.


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